Bread and Butter Pickles

I can't decide how I feel about canning. I try to embrace the trendy "urban homesteader" ethos - veggie garden, compost, farmer's market, etc. - but canning is just so much work. And so much standing up. For so much effort, I'm usually disappointed with the canned yield from what seems like a mountain of fresh produce. Plus, I hear there's some debate about the nutritional value of canned foods. I'm not one for counting calories and making sure I get my recommended daily allowance of vitamins, but I've read a bit about the process of water-bath canning destroying all the nutrients in otherwise healthy foods. As with most information on nutrition, I have no idea whether or not this is actually true.

However, there's something pretty satisfying about seeing jars of homemade canned goods lined up all pretty-like, in quaintly old-fashioned Ball jars whose design hasn't changed since... forever. There's a real feeling of accomplishment, too, to see your winter meals (or at least part of them) stretching before you in those jars: time capsules containing the bounty of summer.

A Clean Slate

Not many people read this blog. OK - practically no one reads this blog, especially since I've only published one post since registering the site almost a year ago. Maybe I have a few friends who check occasionally, thinking that there might be something new, but they've probably given up by now. So far, this blog has been a big failure.

However, I've been thinking a lot about the blog lately. Slowly, I've been building a picture in my mind of what this blog can be, in all its bloggy-licious wonderfulness, if I actually take the time to post now and then. I have hope.

And motivation. Last spring, I promised myself a year "off." The plan was to have a year free of goals and professional responsibilities, in order to give myself time to figure out what I really wanted to do with my life.

I'm bored.